OK, I made a big mistake when I didn't renew my driver's license while in the States--now it's expired and I can't leave my recovering loved one. (Can't do it online because I changed states). So I decided to take the Tunisian license test. Talk about adding spice to my life! Here are some practice photos--This is an odd way to get a scenic tour of Tunisia.
There are Mediterranean beaches,
mountains (albeit rather low),
white-walled towns and palm trees,
and forests.
I've been studying for the last week for the written
test (European style signs and rules, etc). Admittedly I learned a few things. So this morning I got up early and went to Tunis for the test.
Guess what....the door was locked; they were on strike! What luck. Such is life in Tunisia today.
oh dear...you are being challenged.
Do you have to drive like the French to pass?
ho-ho-ho! Let me just say that I notice a huge difference between the rules of the road and the way Tunisians actually drive (worse than the French, I think).
Oh, crap comes to mind... seems like that is always the way.
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