Saturday, June 4, 2016

Now Where Was I???

Trying to pick up where I left off and catch seems like centuries ago. So much has happened in six weeks and Mr. M. has come through a very difficult operation successfully. Here are my April entries for Joanne Sharpe's "Artfully Inspired Life". For the first page, I drew a quince tree branch in bloom at the beginning of April. Then, there were beautiful tulip gardens in the Parisian suburb where we stayed--haven't seen tulips in years.

And how can I ever thank you, my blogging friends, for all the support you have given so generously?


The Idaho Beauty said...

All smiles reading this and seeing these sketches. You'd never know they came out of a difficult time. Hugs!

Mo Crow said...

so good to see you back in Bloglandia and that the operation was a success!

Linda A. Miller said...

Glad to hear this. May the healing continue.