Saturday, December 8, 2012

Color Study: Brown.

On the Wings Cloth, brown seems unappealing to me. I've been resisting brown. Maybe, just maybe I should re-consider brown, look closer.  Of course, I resist collecting, which is a good thing. I have too much "stuff", but there remains the garden with lots of space. Sometimes things come together quite unintentionally.
The brown snails have been a pest, however, one day it occurred to me that their shells are striking. I do like spirals. Movement. A paradox, going towards the middle, the movement stops abruptly. Going out it unfurls.
So when I find an empty one now, I put it on the scale on the patio table outside the kitchen door with shells, a fossil rock and rusty metal. As a collection, the spirals are mesmerizing and the variety of browns is pleasing. This setup might be good as a still life, something to draw with the addition of a bit of watercolor. However, I'm thinking it would take more time than I really want to spend.


arlee said...

i was never attracted to brown until i started doing natural dyes and ecoprints, and then found so many images in it then i just couldn't help myself---good in chocolate, good in art :)

MulticoloredPieces said...

The darker browns seem more attractive to me, or warm ones leaning toward orange or burgundy. I went and bought several spools of brown thread yesterday, so apparently it's growing on me.